Confessions of a Late Night Outliner

by Zedagain on July 8, 2010

A late night attempt at preparing an outline for a portfolio was the victim of a crappy router. After failing to retrieve the outline I prepared this one. It made me feel better writing it, hope it works for you!

Portfolio Outline the Sequel.
“teh Burninator cut”

Cover Sheet & Introduction
•not as inspired as first idea.
•introduce myself and greet reader.
•not sure he wants a cover sheet but too bad.

Org Chart or TOC
•I would love an org chart. They are cool and color coding is bad ass.
•I might use a TOC because I lack the superior skills necessary to rock the org chart.
•at least one of them is required. Not sure he wants one but a 30 page document needs something.

Employment Op Section
•an overview and section title page. (He seems to like overviews). Explain as research results of tech writer industry article. Seems weak but I think the assignment was weak.
•barely edited job market research

User/Software Mesh Section
•an overview and section title page.
•letter of thanks from the owner of the travel agency I profiled. Coincidently my mom. My character assassination had the additional plus of suggesting some worthwhile changes in doc mgmt she plans on implementing.
•barely edited software analysis
•barely edited user profiles
•summary sheet tying section together

Lab Section
•an overview and section title page
•lab 4 is mysteriously absent and never referenced. In a bizarre twist, the base ten system is now base 9. Calculator salesmen rejoice.
•in an attempt to avoid blatant Earth hate I will compress all labs to 3 pages and really should remove individual title pages. I am worried that those ugly title pages are important.
•I will add screenshots to two labs. Unpredictability might just be my best weapon against him!

Blog Section.
•seems like after thought.
•1 page with short introduction of 1 or 2 paragraphs immediately followed by title list of ten blogs.
•in a pathetic attempt to assuage myself for having worked so hard on something that seems so unimportant I will choose a snazzy font for my titles. Something astounding!

•my mom(referenced above) always likes to remind me that kissing ass never hurts, I suspect my pride will sting but I still plan on writing a summary that tries to tie the portfolio together while thanking the reader.
•yah. That reader.

•anyone that could pull off an ORG chart would obviously have appendixes.
•why isn’t it appendi? Psychic octopi have all the luck.
•a style guide?
•seriously something. Maybe just a list of things in my man purse.

Headers & footers
•all updated to reflect something cool.
•I think the Accent 2 ms word 7 page numbering will do just right.

Excellent! Time to fill in the bullets.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Sabreena July 8, 2010 at 9:03 am

That’s brilliant. I lol’d.

The only things it’s missing is an energy crisis plan.


Zedagain July 8, 2010 at 9:09 am

The reason the first copy failed was the 9 billion page energy crisis solution. I decided to leave it out. Maybe that could be my psychic appendi!


Sabreena July 8, 2010 at 9:28 am

Quick. What browser am I using?

Ok. This is mine:

1. Cover Letter
2. TOC. I’m just going to list all my sections. The sections will be split by tabs that I have yet to purchase from Staples.
3. Sections. I’m going to group the labs into sections that are a bit different than yours. I’m also including some stuff I wrote at work and graphics from that Corel Draw class. So it will be something like: Business analysis writing examples, Procedural writing examples (or software manual examples?), graphics examples, blog writing examples…yadda, yadda. I still need to come up with some good groupings but that’s where I’m going.

I’m going to waste trees and put a cover page on every example. It’ll have an overview that says: In this document, I wrote , demonstrating my phenomenal skills.

4. No summary, no appendi. I’m just going to end it

5. Headers and footers with my contact information + a title of the document + summary of the type of work it is + page #. I want it to look part resume, part controlled document.

Otherwise, a lot of blue to stay with my color scheme. I may invest in glitter and stars.


Sabreena July 8, 2010 at 9:28 am

I will also format and spell-check. Hopefully, it turns out better than that last post.


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WP Themes August 4, 2010 at 2:49 pm

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