One World, Six Billion Votes

by Zedagain on July 26, 2010

Technology has changed every facet of life as a human more than once in the last century. What is slower to change is human thought. Even though we live in times of great prosperity, there are huge areas where children go without basic needs.

In a recent conversation, I was discussing government options with an insightful friend. Could democracy work world wide? Was a utopian socialist government possible assuming unlimited energy? What is a reasonable quorum when your voting population needs to represent a one world decision? In “Starship Troopers” by Robert Heinlein the right to vote and call oneself a citizen was earned with military service in defense of the Earth in an interplanetary war!

By the end of the discussion/debate/disagreement we had made lots of insightful forecasting, but only one thing we both consistently agreed to. Before there could be a world wide vote taken, there would need to be a foolproof voting process.

Technology is slowly reinforcing the security of the world wide web. If all the world powers could cooperate long enough to pick one system, the possibility of an Electronic Vote exists. An Evote system would need to be self regulating and operate outside of any single government’s control. The Evote regulatory would require exceptional military support and the ability to lock or remove voting privileges to offending regions and people. Could such an entity even exist in a truly democratic community? If you have an opinion, I would love to know!

Check out growing world population and more

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